Easter 2021

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November 29 @ 6:00 pm - 7:30 pm

Live from Franklin, TX….It’s Wednesday Night Live!! If you are looking to get connected, we have something for everyone on Wednesday nights. All are welcome – join any time!

Kids (Birth-6th)

Contact: kids@firstbaptistfranklin.org

You won’t want to miss KidZone on Wednesdays, where kids connect with God, families, and friends! Pre-K & kinder kiddos are learning all about God’s creation while kids in 1st-6th are taking a journey through the gospels. Learn & grow with us!

Students (7th-12th)

Contact: students@firstbaptistfranklin.org

How does God’s Word affect everyday lives and relationships? On Wednesdays, we’ll examine how the Bible guides us in practical ways to walk out our faith each day and lead others to do the same. Be Lead Worthy!

Students & Parents – be sure to OPT IN to our student ministry text updates! Text START to 831.888.4031

Women of all ages

Worship Center B104 // The Awe of God by John Bevere

Do you long for an intimate relationship with your Creator, yet He seems elusive? Perhaps it is because something utterly essential is missing – the fear of the Lord. Holy Fear is not a topic you’ll hear much about these days, but it’s the foundation for having faith that stands strong through troubled times. Fearing God is very different from being afraid of God. It’s the key to everything.

Men of all ages

Worship Center B201 // The DNA of a Man by Matt Hallock

Man, meet masculinity. Masculinity . . . meet Kingdom. Escape the sludge of mental, marital, and spiritual stuck-ness. Quit fighting back the shame when you look in the mirror. End the lonely nights of sleeping so close to your wife, but still so far away. Stop wondering why “everyone else” seems to connect with Jesus . . . “but not me.”

Co-ed adult class

Worship Center B103 // Invincible by Dr. Robert Jeffress

As we walk through this life, the way will not always be easy and well-marked. In fact, we can expect lots of ups and downs and setbacks along the way. Sometimes we’ll find ourselves face-to-face with a mountain that threatens to stop us in our tracks. We know that Jesus tells us we can move these mountains – but how?

First Baptist Church Franklin

205 W Morgan Street
Franklin, TX 77856 United States